NDP06 Red Cross Youth On-Line

Monday, June 26, 2006

2 July 06 2nd Combined Rehearsal

Dear Cadets and Instructors,

68 out of 79 cadets attended the 1st Combined Rehearsal (CR) last Saturday. The attendance is still considered poor. It is hoped that the attendance rate will be better when school reopens.

The next rehearsal CR 2 will be held on a Sunday, 2 July 06 due to the SYFOC Parade and SAF Day Parade on 1 July 06. Despite being a Sunday, all of us are expected to attend CR 2 in the interest of our nation; For Honour, For Country.

The details are as follows:
Date: 2 July 06, Sunday

Reporting Time: 11.10 am
Reporting Venue: Red Cross House, Haw Par Hall
Reporting Attire: Full Red Cross Uniform
Expected Dismissal Time: 9.00 pm (latest)

Please inform your parents on the expected dismissal timing.

Personal Logistics:
- WRCD Water Bottle
- White Gloves (Wash your gloves weekly & buy a new pair if yours is spoilt)

Lunch will be provided. However, do have your breakfast before coming.

NDP 06 CR 3 Family Day Tickets:
NDP 06 CR 3 Family Day Tickets will be issued on 2 July 06. Do come for CR 2 if you want your tickets.

Thank you and see all of you on Sunday!


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